Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Here at PRG, we are committed to conducting business in a manner consistent with our principles to protect human rights within the company's sphere of influence. PRG demonstrates responsible workplace practices, and endeavours to conduct its business operations in a manner that is free from complicity in human rights abuses.

The Company's core values and culture embody a commitment to ethical business practices and good corporate citizenship. PRG therefore ensures, as far as we are able to, that our supply chains are free from any form of slavery or human trafficking by working with other companies whose corporate values are consistent with ours. PRG encourages contractors to follow best practices in the areas of child labour avoidance, working hours, respect, discrimination, harassment and health and safety in the workplace.

Additionally, we actively influence those companies who supply goods and services to us.

1. At the time of entering contract; (or upon renewal) to comply with all applicable laws relating to slavery and human trafficking inclusive of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
2. Ensure safe and fair working conditions are provided and actively prohibit any form of forced labour, human trafficking or slavery.
3. Actively take supply chain accountability in having zero tolerance for legal and ethical noncompliance which is reflected in policies, procedures and practices with all other supply chain partners.
4. Undertake due-diligence of their own supply chains and ensure their associated risks are understood.
5. Our terms of trade include our respect for Human Rights Policy Statement, compliance of which extends to our suppliers who operate, employ people or manufacture goods outside of UK.

This statement is made by Production Resource Group UK Limited;

Click here for a link to the signed Statement of Production Resource Group UK Ltd